Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Daily Yoga Chart

I was involved with different kind of exercise - heavy weight, Cardio, running, jogging, Karate, cycling, dance etc.

Now I am doing YOGA from DEC 2012. It’s my personal experience that YOGA is the best among all the exercises.

Here you can find daily YOGA Chart for reference.

It covers daily Aaasans, Pranayam, Dhayan.

Aasans - It includes different body parts exercise which makes body flexible and healthy
Pranayama - It includes different breathing exercises
Dhayan - It includes Meditation which improve mind peace

If you want more details about any Aasans, Pranayama or Dhayan, please leave comments here.

Please share with your friends and leave your valuable feedback.


  1. Very useful information!!! Keep posting!

  2. They are who I call Shmogis(ginis), or fake yogis! Large numbers of these Shmogis have attempted to remove yoga from the majority by spreading legends about the training and I need us to take yoga back.
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  3. Yoga is more than 4,000 years of age and rehearsed by everyone everywhere. Yoga is the burdening or winding around together of psyche, body and soul. depression mental health tattoos

  4. A portion of the significant schools are Raja Yoga and Hatha Yoga (as referenced previously).
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  5. Yoga classes make certain to be the ideal expansion to your Focal American occasion.
