Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Friday, January 11, 2019

Batch file to create empty app from Sitecore JSS boilerplate app

If you are new to Sitecore JSS app and want to develop any website from it, then best place to start working on this is to restore sample Sitecore JSS app.

Default Sitecore JSS app comes as boilerplate.

Understand how it is functioning and how to write the code. Once you understand sample app, then remove all the default sample content (the Styleguide and GraphQL files) from below paths:

1.            Delete /src/components/Styleguide* and /src/components/GraphQL*
2.            Delete /sitecore/definitions/components/Styleguide*, /sitecore/definitions/templates/Styleguide*, and /sitecore/definitions/components/GraphQL*
3.            Delete /data/component-content/Styleguide
4.            Delete /data/content/Styleguide
5.            Delete /data/routes/styleguide and /data/routes/graphql
6.            Delete /data/dictionary/*.yml

If you like you can remove these files and folders manually. To make your life easy, I have created a batch file which remove all these contents and give you perfect empty app in just two click. 

Just copy the batch file in your JSS application root directory as "CleanupApp.bat" and run it.

Sitecore JSS App clean up batch file
Sitecore JSS App clean up batch file

Batch file looks like

REM Batch file to remove all of the default sample content (the Styleguide and GraphQL routes)

FOR /D %%p IN (".\src\components\Styleguide*") DO RMDIR "%%p" /s /q
FOR /D %%p IN (".\src\components\GraphQL*") DO RMDIR "%%p" /s /q

DEL /q ".\src\components\Styleguide*"
DEL /q ".\sitecore\definitions\components\Styleguide*"
DEL /q ".\sitecore\definitions\components\GraphQL*"
DEL /q ".\sitecore\definitions\templates\Styleguide*"

FOR /D %%p IN (".\data\component-content\Styleguide") DO RMDIR "%%p" /s /q

FOR /D %%p IN (".\data\content\Styleguide") DO RMDIR "%%p" /s /q

FOR /D %%p IN (".\data\routes\styleguide") DO RMDIR "%%p" /s /q
FOR /D %%p IN (".\data\routes\graphql") DO RMDIR "%%p" /s /q

DEL /q ".\data\dictionary\*.yml"

That’s it.

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