Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Multiple bucketing structure in single Sitecore instance

When you are bucketing items in Sitecore, by default it will be reorganized all child items by creating folders according to datetime order in year, month, day, hour, and minute.

Datetime Structure
Datetime Structure
But what if you want one datetime order at one place and for some other items you want all child items should rearranged in alphabetic order or may be by creating folders according to GUID characters.
How to achieve it?

To create a multiple bucketing structure in Sitecore:

1.    Visit to the “/sitecore/system/Settings/Buckets/Item Buckets Settings”. Click on Edit rule in Rules for Resolving the Bucket Folder Path field:
Item Bucket Settings
Item Bucket Settings

2.    Create rules by selecting a condition and an action.

Here action specifies the bucket folder structure. Only bucket items that match the condition will use the action.

Bucket Rule
Bucket Rule

For example, above rule creates alphabetic bucket structure as:

Alphabetic Ordering of bucket items
Alphabetic Ordering of bucket items

Now you have bucketing structure according to datetime and alphabetic order in one Sitecore instance. However you can create any number of such ordering by using such rules.

Isn’t that a cool feature???

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