If your client website is already running and you have
developed it again with same or different technology.
Once the coding and testing of this new website is
complete. What next?
Deploy on server. Make it LIVE.
So there may be some old URL or pages which should be redirected
to new website pages.
Good example is if somebody bookmarked the old URL then
instead of page not found it should be redirected to new pages.
In simple terms it’s called 301 redirect.
How to achieve 301 redirect without writing code in
Just make entries in web.config by specifying old URL pages mapping with new pages as
Suppose you old page URL is http://www.example.com/contact.php
and you want to redirect it to new page as http://www.example.com/guest/contact-detail.aspx
than your config file entry is
<location path="contact.php">
<httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="guest/contact-detail.aspx" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />
<location path="license.pdf">
<httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="newlicense.aspx" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />
You can specify any numbers of pages here. But this is good
for limited pages. My suggestion is that its limit should be upto 50 pages.
If you have more than 50 pages then write the custom redirecting
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useful for you.