I personally feel that most of the life related work
should done online. Why to visit difference government and private offices, why
to meet them personally, why to call them. For a common man it’s always a difficult
to go to government office and do their tasks. Government people are always
showing that they are busy even they don’t have no work. Common man is always
frustrated with government offices and their babus. So I always prefer to do it
So here I am sharing my personal experience to do
changes in PAN card and how to track the request online.
If you had applied for PAN card changes like name, DOB,
signature, photo etc. then you can submit your request at Karvy. You have to
fill a form and attached old PAN card copy, ID proof, address proof. Submit this
form along with 105 Rs. In return they will provide a receipt which has acknowledgement
number. From that acknowledgement track your request status from below link
Either enter Acknowledgement number or your personal detail.
Click on SUBMIT button as shown in below image and you can get the status which
should be either in process or completed.
Please leave your comments or share this tip if it’s
useful for you.