Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Friday, July 22, 2016

Whitepaper : All about customizing workflow in Sitecore

In almost all the Sitecore projects, developers have to create, sometimes customize and need to apply workflow to items. This guide covers all the possible scenarios and customization technics with code used for workflow. This whitepaper covers 

1.    What is workflow
2.    Create Editor and Reviewer Roles
3.    Assign permissions on items to roles
4.    Create editor and reviewer users
5.    Map users with roles
6.    Create individual/group reviewer items in content tree
7.    Create Custom comment window
8.    Apply validation rules on comment windows field
9.    Create Custom workflow
10. Apply custom workflow on items
11. Customizing workbox
12. Sorting items in Awaiting Approval section in Workbox
13. Show items associated to particular editor in draft section
14. Complete code for customizing workbox
15. Customizing items comments in Awaiting Approval section
16. Test all the scenarios

I tried my best to include all the scenarios that are associated with Sitecore Workflow.

You can download this guide from here.

You can read this white paper from here:

Please leave your comments or share this guide if it’s useful for you.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of 10240 MB per database.

I am big fan of database, especially SQL server. There is no UI, no HTML, no scripts, no OOPS code. Only data and you have to play with that data.
I took backups of our production Sitecore master and web database and trying to restored them on QA environment.

I have done this backup and restore work 100 of times in my life. But this time I tried for 5 times and received below error during restore process –
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of 10240 MB per database.

I come to know that - Our database file size is more than 10 GB and QA SQL server is of type of SQL Express Edition which does not support file size more than 10 GB. 

How to know what’s the type of SQL server?

1.    Right click on server instance-> choose Properties-> Check Product entry in Server Properties window as shown in below diagram
2.    You can also get the same information by using query "SELECT @@VERSION" as follows

How to restore this 10 GB Sitecore database files?

          1. You can shrink the database files
          2. Restore databases on Standard Edition SQL Server. [I prefer this approach]

Please leave your comments or share this info if it’s useful for you.