Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Monday, July 10, 2017

Fix : 'Lucene.Net.Index.MergePolicy.MergeException' occurred in Lucene.Net.dll

If you are using Lucene search in your Sitecore project, you may receive Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger window which ask you for debugging.

When you debug you may encountered that there is an exception 'Lucene.Net.Index.MergePolicy.MergeException' in Lucene.Net.dll.

What does 'Lucene.Net.Index.MergePolicy.MergeException' mean?

This issue is related with your current Sitecore indexing and current indexes are not in well format. This typically happen when you copy full website from one developer machine to another. Indexes on new developer machine will not be in sync with its Sitecore instance.

How to fix it?

Simply delete all directories and files from "Data\indexes" folder and regenerate indexes from Sitecore Control Panel. 

I hope you like this Sitecore tip. Stay tuned for more Sitecore related tips.

Till that happy Sitecoring :)

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Friday, July 7, 2017

Resolved Sitecore WFFM error : Redirect item is null

If you are using Sitecore WFFM then you may encounter this WFFM error "Redirect item is null" on your browser. 

It indicate that on WFFM Submit button, you had set Success page to an item which either does not exists or not published. 

WFFM success action
WFFM success action

To fix that try to point your success page to some another item or just show the Success Message.

I hope you like this Sitecore tip. Stay tuned for more Sitecore related tips.

Till that happy Sitecoring :)

Please leave your comments or share this tip if it’s useful for you.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

How to remove validation summary messages from Sitecore WFFM Form

There are no ways from Sitecore desktop to control WFFM form validation messages.
Currently Sitecore showing all the messages at top of the form as 

WFFM Validation Summary Messages
WFFM Validation Summary Messages

However if you don't want to show these summary messages, then open file “Website\Views\Form\EditorTemplates\FormViewModel.cshtml” and locate below section

<div class="has-error has-feedback">
Either comment this section or simply add style to display none as  
<div class="has-error has-feedback" style="display: none;">

That’s it. Now all the validations summary no longer visible to end user.

WFFM form without Validation Summary Messages
WFFM form without Validation Summary Messages

I hope you like this Sitecore tip. Stay tuned for more Sitecore related tips.

Till that happy Sitecoring :)

Please leave your comments or share this tip if it’s useful for you.