Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Regex for allowing only Alphabetics, numbers, apostrophe, spaces, dash for string having length 20

ValidationExpression="^[0-9a-zA-Z''\-'' '\s]{1,20}$"

To Display some ListItem in different colour in ListBox in ASP.NET

foreach (ListItem objTempItem in ListBox2.Items)


   //Code to change background colour of listitem

   //objTempItem.Attributes.Add("style", "background-color: RED");

  //Code to change text or foreground colour of listitem



How to get Temporary Folder Path using .NET (C#)

How to get path of the current system's temporary folder using .NET (C#)
Temporary folders are useful to store simple logs during execution of the program. It is also used for storing the decompressed files before any operation. The folder location varies from OS to OS. The following C# snippet would help in retrieving the Temporary folder path

string sPath;

sPath =

Console.WriteLine("Temporary Path := " + sPath );

Get filenames from all folders

Here is another way to get filenames from all folders, including subdirectories (notice the SearchOption.AllDirectories parametre):

// Process the list of files found in all directory.

fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir,
"*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);


(string fileName in


// do something with fileName



If you change the "*" to ex. "*.log" you will get all filenames that ends with ".log".

Show the Web site Icon in the Adress bar

head id="Head2"

<title>Untitled Page</title>

rel="shotcut icon"


Create word document from Template & pass data from .NET



using Word;


void ParseWord()



myWordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass();

    Word.Document myWordDoc
= new Word.Document();


object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; // our
'void' value

object filename =
@"E:\My Files\WordTest\"
; // our
word template

object destination =
@"E:\My Files\WordTest\ABC4.doc"
// our target filename

object notTrue = false;  // our
boolean false



string myText =
"Hello World!!"

// the sample text we want as replacement


    myWordApp.Visible =
false;  //
tell word not to show itself


    myWordDoc =
myWordApp.Documents.Add( // load the template into a
document workspace

ref filename,  // and
reference it through our myWordDoc

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing);


// count how many fields we have to update

foreach (Field myField



string str = myField.Code.Text;





// now the last touch.. save and close



ref destination,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

             ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing,

ref missing);


// quit word


ref notTrue,

ref missing,

ref missing);


Set Server Side Label Control Text from Javascript

document.getElementById('<%=lblDateSelect.ClientID%>').innerText = 'Please select From Date' ;