Use HTL5 player of Brightcove in Sitecore |
One of our site is using Brightcove Adobe Flash player which we have to replace with new Brightcove player which support HTML5.
below steps to configure Brightcove Video Cloud running as an HTML5 player
- Download Zip file from
- Extract Sitecore package
- Install Sitecore package (It will overwrite Brightcove DLLs and config files. So take a back up of old files)
- Perform 3 Post installation steps as
- Step 1: Please navigate to section "Brightcove.StorageService" and change the "baseUrl" param value with your website URL and also set the "ContentDatabaseName" and "PublishDatabaseName" param values from Sitecore.MediaFramework.Services.Brightcove.Extended.config.disabled config file.
- Step 2: Enable the config file named as "Sitecore.MediaFramework.Services.Brightcove.Extended.config.disabled".
- Step
3: We need to add mimetype "text/vtt" with extension
(.vtt) in IIS.
- Add new player at “/sitecore/media library/Media Framework/Accounts/Default/Players” with unique player id.
- Update “Default Video Player” field and “Default Playlist Player” to new player at “/sitecore/media library/Media Framework/Accounts/Default/Settings”
- Include “<script src="//<licence id>/<Player_Id>_default/index.min.js"></script>” on all pages where you want to show Brightcove videos.
- Publish all the Brightcove items
- Test the page on which Brightcove videos are rendering.
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