ExactTarget is a cloud service provided by Salesforce
for running email campaign for email marketing. For this we need to create
Here is a code for to create subscribers in ExactTarget
via its web service.
Change necessary values in below code and call the
method. That’s it.
static void AddSubscribers()
authentication information for an ExactTarget user. Access it from web.config
SoapClient client = new SoapClient();
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "xyz";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "xyzpassword";
a new subscriber - person email id
Subscriber newSub = new Subscriber();
newSub.EmailAddress = "abc@test.com";
newSub.SubscriberKey = "abc@test.com";
the subscriber attributes
newSub.Attributes = new ExactTargetClient.Attribute[6];
- First Name
newSub.Attributes[0] = new ExactTargetClient.Attribute();
newSub.Attributes[0].Name = "First Name";
newSub.Attributes[0].Value = "Enter your first Name Here";
- Last Name
newSub.Attributes[1] = new ExactTargetClient.Attribute();
newSub.Attributes[1].Name = "Last Name";
newSub.Attributes[1].Value = "Enter your Last Name Here";
- Zip Code
newSub.Attributes[2] = new ExactTargetClient.Attribute();
newSub.Attributes[2].Name = "Zip Code";
newSub.Attributes[2].Value = "110011";
- State
newSub.Attributes[3] = new ExactTargetClient.Attribute();
newSub.Attributes[3].Name = "State";
newSub.Attributes[3].Value = "Johannesburg";
- City
newSub.Attributes[4] = new ExactTargetClient.Attribute();
newSub.Attributes[4].Name = "City";
newSub.Attributes[4].Value = "Johannesburg";
newSub.Attributes[5] = new ExactTargetClient.Attribute();
newSub.Attributes[5].Name = "Country";
newSub.Attributes[5].Value = "South Africa";
the busiess unit ID
newSub.Client = new ClientID();
//Manage via a config
newSub.Client.ID = 1234567;
newSub.Client.IDSpecified = true;
the list we want to add the subscriber to
manage these values via a configuration file
SubscriberList mylist = new SubscriberList();
mylist.ID = 1234;
mylist.IDSpecified = true;
the List to the Subscriber
newSub.Lists = new SubscriberList[] { mylist };
the CreateOptions object for the create call of TSD
CreateOptions cOptionsTS = new CreateOptions();
cOptionsTS.RequestType = RequestType.Asynchronous;
cOptionsTS.RequestTypeSpecified = true;
SaveOption saveOption = new SaveOption();
saveOption.SaveAction = SaveAction.UpdateAdd;
saveOption.PropertyName = "*";
cOptionsTS.SaveOptions = new SaveOption[] { saveOption };
the request to add the subscriber
string tsRequestID = "";
string tsStatus = "";
CreateResult[] tsResults = client.Create(cOptionsTS, new APIObject[] { newSub
}, out tsRequestID, out tsStatus);
Console.WriteLine("Overall Status ::: " + tsStatus);
Console.WriteLine("Number of Results ::: " + tsStatus.Length);
foreach (CreateResult result
in tsResults)
Console.WriteLine("Status Code
and Message ::: " + result.StatusCode + " " + result.StatusMessage);
for Error
if (tsStatus != "OK") { throw new Exception(); }
catch (Exception exCreate)
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or share this code if it’s useful for you.