Surendra Sharma

Surendra Sharma

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Roles required for creating editor and reviewer role in Sitecore

I have to make editor and Reviewer for workflow. What are the different roles required for creating these roles.

I didn't get any suitable answer on Google. However after discussion with Sitecore folks, I come up with below list.

For creating Editor Group you need below roles
·         sitecore\Designer
·         sitecore\Sitecore client authoring
·         sitecore\Author

For creating Reviewer Group, you need all editor roles + Sitecore Client Publishing roles as below
·         sitecore\Designer
·         sitecore\Sitecore client authoring
·         sitecore\Author
·         sitecore\Sitecore Client Publishing

Hope this help someone while working on Sitecore workflow.

Please leave your comments or share this info if it’s useful for you.

Solved : Unable to see any items in Sitecore workbox

I was working on Sitecore workflow task. Certainly one of the newly client-side reviewer started complaining that he is unable to see items in his workbox?

I started investigation on this but unable to find any clue that why items are not visible to that particular reviewer?

For the time being I provided him admin rights and try to login from his account. Now he is able to view items in workflow approval section.

But reviewer can’t become admin. So where was the actual problem?

If you are unable to see any item in workbox, but at the same time admin can view the items in workbox it means you don’t have permissions on items.

Assign read/write permissions from Access Viewer -> Assign Security Rights to that user/reviewer on all required items.


If any user can’t take any action on content tree items then Sitecore not shows any of those items in workbox as well.

Hope this pointer will help somebody who is in similar situation.

Please leave your comments or share this trick if it’s useful for you.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Sitecore Template Report Generator Module at Sitecore MarketPlace

Developers don’t like documentation specially when they have to do itJ, but documentation is equally important for project and organization.

It’s always great if there are tools for generating documents.

I created one such tool which is available on Sitecore MarketPlace and its my first Sitecore tool.

The Sitecore Template Reporting Tool allows you to generate documentation of the templates in the HTML form.

Without this tools a developer require around 10-20 hours to generate such a report depending upon number of templates. However by using this tool one can generate better reports within a minute which ultimately save your time and impress your manager/client with the report.

Steps to generate the report

·         Download and install Sitecore package
·         Package install web page and DLL in bin directory
·         Access your Sitecore instance or website by http://<Instance Name>/TemplateReportGenerator.aspx
·         All template folders are listed in Dropdown list

·         Select one of the template folder for which report need to be generated
·         Click on "Generate Report" button
·         Your report is ready.

This tool generates report in tabular format.
Each template details are displayed in alternate color.
Each template details display as section wise which include below details
·         Template ID
·         Template Created Date time
·         Template Last modified Date time
·         Field names
·         Field Title
·         Field Description
·         Field Type
·         Is Shared Field
·         Is Unversioned

You can also change report aspx file as per your need however I tried my best to include all the details.

In future I have plans to create more such helpful tools. 

Let me know for any query / suggestion / improvements.